
We are ONEDAY. We focus on solutions and are with our customers in the great outdoors - so we bring not only the body but also the thoughts in motion. We approach challenges and changes in a solution-oriented and courageous way and stand for personal relationships and quality. We do not give advice on content, but focus instead on process design and create a tailor-made framework, including preparation and implementation support.

Dominik Büttler

is an occupational and organisational psychologist as well as a sports psychologist. As an endurance athlete, he likes to leave his comfort zone to face new and difficult challenges. In his role as a coach, he stands out for his empathy and places great value on an honest and trusting coaching relationship. His expertise in psychology and competitive sports enables him to support people in their professional and also personal development and in finding individual and creative solutions. Because for Dominik, good coaching is successful when you can be enthusiastic about your own path and also develop your full potential in the process.

Dominik Büttler

Roman Cortesi

is an management consultant, independent entrepreneur and coach. After several years in a leading position as an organisation developer in a large retail company in Switzerland, Roman moved to the mountains, where he and his wife started the heart project «Lenk Lodge». Enthusiastic, goal-oriented, in a refreshingly genuine way, his way of working creates the ideal framework for a solution-oriented attitude to work. From a ONEDAY with Roman Cortesi you take three things with you: Clarity, the courage to effectively implement what has been discussed and an unforgettable experience of nature.

Roman Cortesi

Lars Diener-Kimmich

is an ETH engineer who likes people. He is an expert in Design Thinking and Agile, as well as a Black Belt in Lean Leadership. He has implemented pioneering projects in corporates, SMEs and start-ups, consistently developing his people-centred expertise in the process. For ten years, he has been supporting his own clients as a consultant in building their entrepreneurial competences and implementing key projects. He has co-founded two start-ups and is involved in innovation training for learners throughout Switzerland. Lars is a committed family man from the Gürbetal valley and consciously takes a lot of time to get out into the air, on the water or in the snow. At ONEDAY, Lars focusses on his passion for supporting people on their development path so that they can start the next day clearer, lighter and more sure-footed.

Lars Diener-Kimmich

Mathias Dörig

is a psychologist (M.Sc.) with further training in systemic and solution-oriented consulting. In his work as a coach, he puts people and their resources at the centre. He also has a lot of experience in management consulting in digital transformations of human resource processes. A ONEDAY with him makes it possible to find new perspectives, courageously tackle new paths and sustainably implement new solutions. His passion – discovering the new – is felt by every customer who is allowed to work with him. He satisfies his longing for adventure with long-term bicycle tours around the world.

Mathias Dörig

Reto Frank

is a working and organisational psychologist (lic. phil. hum.) as well as sports psychologist. Throughout his many years of expertise in qualitative and quantitative market research, he has gained insight into many different companies and supports organisations in making data-based decisions. Since 2014, he has also been strengthening individual athletes, teams and coaches as a sports psychologist. Because of his passion for the forest, he brings people closer to the forest as a place to recharge their batteries through Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing). His motivation is to accompany people in sport and business on their way and to work out possibilities for development and change together.

Reto Frank

Clarissa Heis

is a psychologist (M.Sc.) with further training in emergency psychology. With her keen eye for detail and big picture thinking, she supports the ONEDAY guides as Customer Success Manager. She brings the guest relationship into focus and takes care of everything from A to Z to create an impactful and lasting ONEDAY experience. Clarissa spends every spare minute outside: cycling, trail running or skiing.

Clarissa Heis

Kim Kimmich Diener

is our Customer Success Manager. With a background as diverse as a Swiss army knife, Kim has been an experience manager, primary school teacher, and mom to three grown kids. She brings a treasure trove of wisdom from the corporate world, the classroom, and the chaos of family life. Her knack for spotting what truly matters, combined with her empathy and vast experience, makes her a fantastic listener and a master of the moment. In her role, Kim is the secret sauce that ensures our guests feel like VIPs and our coaches can work their magic. She’s passionate about making customers happy and loves organizing events that are as unique as a snowflake. Kim has lived in the Netherlands, Mexico, Finland, and Zurich, and she can chat with you in Swiss, German, English, French, Italian, or Dutch. Once a pilot soaring through Swiss skies, Kim now enjoys exploring the beautiful landscapes on foot with her trusty sidekick, Emily the dog.

Kim Kimmich Diener

Simon Lamberti

is a Swiss Olympic top sports coach, studied sports management and economics and has 8 years of experience in international competitive sports. But what really distinguishes him is his enthusiasm for people and their achievement of goals. Simon brings a lot of power and «joie de vivre» to your journey as well as practical questions about performance culture and goals. He grew up in Ticino, lives in Lausanne, thinks internationally and is at home in the nature of Switzerland. At ONEDAY his role can also be found in marketing and sales.

Simon Lamberti

Maria Lienhard

graduated in Health Management (B.A.) and is a qualified personal and business coach with further training in constellation and action methods as well as hypnosis coaching. She has several years of experience in personnel and organizational development as well as individual and team coaching. As a former competitive athlete, she understands the dynamics of a team and quickly knows where to start. With a holistic approach, she accompanies her clients on their individual development paths. As a trained yoga teacher, she integrates mindfulness and breathwork into her work. Maria sees herself as a guide and supporter. Her motivation is to help people gain new insights and give them the courage and self-confidence to take their first steps in a new direction.

Benjamin Menche

is a systemic business coach and has a graduate in business administration with twenty years of expertise in the automotive industry. His extensive experience in restructuring, turnarounds, and strategy, along with his stint in the investment sector, make him a competent companion in processes of change. As an enthusiastic mountaineer and paraglider pilot based in South Tyrol, Benjamin willingly embraces new and challenging endeavors. His passion for the mountains is reflected in his work as a coach, where he encourages individuals to climb their personal peaks. Benjamin places great value on open and honest collaboration. He is convinced that courage and passion support people in their professional and personal development. His endurance and motivation make him a dedicated companion, aiming to empower individuals and teams to follow their unique path and unleash their full potential. Through the inspiring nature and powerful collaboration, a transformative experience is created, enabling sustainable changes.

Benjamin Menche

Stephanie Müller

is a psychologist (M. Sc. Psychology) and passionate tennis player. Stephanie has been working as a sports psychologist for four years now with individual athletes and teams from various sports disciplines. She has gained experience in competitive and junior sports as well as in the training of mental trainers. In her work, Stephanie always strives to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments and delves into the subject matter of her clients with interest and passion. With her empathic and open manner, she inspires young people and adults on their way to athletic excellence and strengthened personality.

Stephanie Müller

Christian Mulle

is an organisational consultant, coach and adult educator. For 20 years he has been following the call to accompany people in - and with - nature. His vocation is to create meaningful contributions for a good human-nature relationship; this is how people, teams, families and organisations become alive and vital. Christian's paths have led him along rivers and seashores, through forests and mountain landscapes, through working contexts of crafts, the army, the service industry and social education work. His focus is always on the topics of successful leadership and cooperation. Born in Uri, he lives with his family on Lake Thun. With great joy and curiosity, he makes all his skills and experience available again and again at every ONEDAY.

Christian Mulle

Daniela Ogi

has been working as a coach, supervisor and organisational consultant for 16 years and is firmly convinced that people have more potential than they themselves often believe. She sees good relationships as one of the keys to customer-centred and high-quality work and integrates this approach into her work. Her curiosity and openness towards human potential and the concept of "new ways of working" motivate her to look for innovative ways and impulses to enable the potential in individuals, teams and the entire organisation to unfold. She values not only mental but also physical movement in nature and leads groups worldwide as a trekking leader.

Daniela Ogi

Samuel Ryser

is a psychologist (M.Sc.) with training in systemic and solution-oriented consulting. Human development is the central point of his work - whether in advising companies on the selection and development processes of management and top executives or in the targeted use of the resources of his clients in coaching. As a focused listener, he supports customers in jointly developing practical solutions. He enjoys moving in nature – you can feel this on the road with him.

Samuel Ryser

Mark Schuppli

is an engineer with further education in business administration (Executive MBA FH) and psychology (coaching, supervision and organizational consulting). He built up the consulting company Lemon Consult AG. In all his work in various roles, he focuses on people as the central success factor. On the move with him, you can sense that he feels at home outside and can use the diversity of nature as an ideal environment to strengthen his clients' resources while they find the right solutions to their challenges. Groundbreaking solutions that are logical in themselves and feel right in your heart and belly.

Mark Schuppli

Karin Steiner

is a businesswoman with experience in tourism and public transport - and our Customer Success Manager. Her great talent in organising trips and events is particularly noticeable to our customers and guests during Walk & Work days and ONEDAY teams. Whether it's a boat trip on the lake, an event on the mountain or a hike in the desert - Karin Steiner organises everything so that the guests are well looked after, our coaches work effectively and the Magic Moments can come about. When Karin is not paragliding in the air or climbing a wall, she is almost certainly making music with great passion:

Karin Steiner

Evelyne Stock

is an occupational and organisational psychologist (lic. phil.), a specialist in sports psychology (FSP) and a systemic solution-oriented coach who enjoys being outdoors in nature. She has many years of business experience: As a personnel and organisational developer in a large company and as a consultant and coach in the consulting sector. Since 2012, she has also been supporting and advising individual and team athletes as a sports psychologist. Her motivation lies in accompanying and shaping development and change processes of individuals and teams in sport and business. As a mother of two daughters, she also knows what it means to reconcile different roles.

Evelyne Stock

Thomas Theurillat

is a mountain guide, holds a degree in psychology and is the founder of ONEDAY. The focus of his professional work is on the specific strengths of people in challenging situations. As a coach he pays particular attention to the synthesis of analytical and intuitive solution strategies when confronting major challenges. Time and again Thomas demonstrates that the synthesis of passion and the mind works really well in the great outdoors.

Thomas Theurillat

Klaus Volken

born and raised in the Swiss mountains, is certified coach (ICF) and management consultant (M.A. in Economics). Thanks to his profound management and consulting experience in leading Swiss companies, he knows the numerous challenges facing managers and employees in their professional life. Klaus supports and accompanies his clients in shaping their professional and personal success effectively and solution-oriented.

Klaus Volken

Dr. Oliver Wirths

Dr. Oliver Wirths is a Ph.D. economist with over 10 years of professional experience in a DAX30 company in the aviation industry, a long-time alpinist, and a certified coach (ICF). In his ONEDAYS, Oliver combines approaches from corporate strategy development, the mindset of alpinists, and proven coaching techniques. Every change starts in the human being and affects the human being. Therefore, the transformation of the person, respectively the team is always in his focus. Oliver's vast experience as a climber, strategy expert, and paragliding pilot gives his guests and clients many opportunities to reach new perspectives, leave their comfort zone, and effectively embrace change.

Oliver Wirths